Janet Gardner, cantante de Vixen, está ingresada y se recupera de una cirugía para eliminar unos coágulos de sangre en su cerebro. Ha padecido lo que se conoce como hematoma subdural, que a veces puede ser bastante grave y conducir a la muerte.
A Gardner la llevaron de urgencia al hospital el viernes 12 de enero, justo un día después de un exitoso concierto que dio en el Whisky a Go Go de Los Ángeles. Se le practicó una incisión en el cráneo y se le ha colocado una placa de titanio.
Afortunadamente, Janet se recupera bien y así se publicó en la página de Facebook de Vixen:
Ayer a las 20:49 ·
It is with immense gratitude and joy that we want you to know our Vixen front woman extraordinaire, Janet Gardner is currently recovering from emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma. In Los Angeles, on Friday, January 12, the day after playing a brilliant show with her solo band at the Whiskey A GoGo, she was rushed to the hospital and they had to drill a hole into her skull to relieve the hematoma and put a titanium plate to cover the hole.
She is recovering very well and our hearts are filled with relief. Thank you for your love and support and we look forward to seeing you soon.
En su página personal, la cantante incluso bromeó diciendo que ahora sí es «literalmente una metalhead»:
Janet Gardner Page
23 hours ago
I wanted to take a moment, and catch everyone up on the last few, very eventful days.
First, I would like to thank everyone who came out to our show in Los Angeles, at the Whisky a Go Go, on Thursday. We had a wonderful time, and the crowd was amazing!
Unfortunately, on Friday, things turned a little upside down on us. I was rushed off to the hospital, and had to have emergency surgery to remove a subdural hematoma that was putting pressure on my brain. They had to drill a hole into my head to remove the hematoma and put a titanium plate in to cover the hole.
I am literally a metal head!
I apologize for having to cancel the Vamp’d show last night. We will be rescheduling that soon. I will keep you posted on my recovery.
Thank you for all the love and support! 💜
El concierto previsto en Las Vegas para esa noche (viernes) se suspendió, claro está.
La frontwoman de Vixen promociona estos días su primer disco en solitario, llamado como ella –’Janet Gardner’-, que salió el pasado agosto. El CD lo preparó junto a su marido, el guitarrista y productor Justin James, quien ha trabajado con Staind, Collective Soul y Tyketto.
- Janet trabaja a tiempo parcial en una clínica dental, hace limpiezas bucales.
- La publicación previa en el muro de Facebook del grupo Vixen es del 10 de enero y anuncia un próximo disco, sin fecha definida.
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